Winning a war can be done in different ways. In the past soldiers and weapons were the main tools to win war. In times of an ever uniting global society the important wars are no longer fought with these ancient tools.

Modern warfare is based on winning hearts and minds and the main tool is media, specially the Internet. Today we all were actors, objects and witness in a new chapter of global information warfare. We witnessed how America with the charismatic new president Barack Hussein Obama won the world.

By reactivating the famous American Dream, that with the right ambition, with courage and effort everybody can reach his/her dream, America has again gained global supremacy for the time being.

We thank America and the new president Barack Obama for bringing back hope for an egalitarian, just and balanced world. Hope is high for a period of cooperation, of global responsibility, of mutual cultural respect. Today the whole world is proud to be a little bit American. Congratulations Mr. President!

Good luck to President Obama! Lets hope he will work to make this world a better, peaceful place to live.