Friday, November 6, 2009

Yurgan in Nepal 2009, seventh week impressions


  1. Sehr schöne Portraits!
    Liebe Grüße aus dem grauen Norden.

  2. Yurgan, Really wonderful pictures with the nice pictures of your Suntali sahuni and our lovely Kaki.

  3. This looks great. I think the first portrait is really wonderful. You are what I call a true traveler. I think with a little bit of training you could be successful with photojournalism. I noticed a few of those images in other posts that were very strong and intimate observations.
    I am still in Japan now. I will get in touch with you when I am back to Germany. I am very intrigued about the idea of doing a story together in your area. :-)

  4. very nice blog......
    i like your posting ,this is the better blog.
